Owner builder defects report calculator (section 137b report)

Use this tool to determine if a Section 137b Inspection Report (also known as a Condition Report or Defects Report) is required.

Answer questions below for a single property improvement project. If you have multiple property improvements projects, please submit them separately. You can group multiple works together into a single property improvement project if all were completed together as part of an overarching project at the same time (grouping multiple works will likely lead to a requirement to obtain a Secion 137b Inspection Report).

Have you carried out any improvements (building works, renovations, repairs or alterations) to the property in the past 6.5 years?

Property Improvement

Nature of the works
Was a building permit obtained for the work?
Did a licensed builder carry out any of the work?

Property Improvement display

Was any part of the work structural or non-exempt work
Non-exempt work includes carpentry, joinery, stumping, bricklaying, roof or truss works (typically affect walls and structure of the building).
Did the work involve more than one trade?
E.g. a kitchen renovation would involve multiple trades: cabinet maker, plumber, electrician, etc. Whereas repainting a home would only involve the painter
Hold down 'ctrl' key to select multiple items
Please be advised that costs exceeding $16,000 may require domestic building insurance.
Section 137b owner builder report is required to be attached to the contract. Please engage a building inspector to issue the report. We recommend Joe Borg who can be contacted on 0410 545 454 or at joe@houseinspection.services.

Section 137b owner builder report may be required to be attached to the contract depending on whether the work is structural or carried out by a non-exempt trade. Please speak to our office.

Please engage a building inspector to issue the report. We recommend Joe Borg who can be contacted on 0410 545 454 or at joe@houseinspection.services.

Section 137b owner builder report is required to be attached to the contract. Please engage a building inspector to issue the report. We recommend Joe Borg who can be contacted on 0410 545 454 or at joe@houseinspection.services.

Section 137b owner builder report may be required if maintenance or repair was for an entire room(s) or area(s) (e.g. kitchen or bathroom repairs involving multiple trades would require a report).

Multiple maintenance or repair jobs, each of which only involve a single-trade would not require a report.

If report is required, we recommend Joe Borg who can be contacted on 0410 545 454 or at joe@houseinspection.services.

No defects report required
No defects report required


This article provides general information only. If your works exceed $16,000, you may also need domestic building insurance. Always check with a legal professional to ensure compliance.

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